Wednesday, April 17, 2013

One of the three sources that I chose was from This talks about some of the recent shootings that have happened.  How people believe that you can obtain guns too easily. They believe this because an 18 year old was able to buy a gun and shot and killed people at Columbine. Another reason why they are limiting the clip size on guns in Colorado is because of the shooting at the movie theater they believe that if he had a smaller clip on his gun he wouldn’t have wounded and killed as many people as he did.
Another source that I chose was from This talks about why sheriffs aren’t going to enforce the new gun laws in Colorado. One of the reasons why they won’t enforce this law is because they wouldn’t have any proof if somebody was complying with these laws or not. For instant if somebody buys a gun clip that is bigger than allowed in Colorado all they would have to say is they bought the clip before the laws were enforced. This is why cops would have a hard time trying to say they didn’t it’s not like they are going to keep the receipt for it. Another cop said he would destroy the data base that contains all the information that says who has a concealed weapons permit if the government started arresting people over it. Another thing that I think that would make it hard to try and regulate the law would be buying guns and bigger clips in a state that it would be legal then bringing them into a state that it was illegal. Then what if somebody makes their own gun parts is the government going to say that they cant do that either. I don’t see where these gun laws will last very long if nobody is even going to follow them or enforce them.
The last source I chose was In this it talks about some of the consequences that could happen to people if they don’t follow the new regulations on guns. If you don’t do a background check you can spend 6-18 months in jail and a fine of 500 to 5000 dollars. If you buy a clip over 15 rounds after July 1 can go to jail. It does talk more about cops and how they feel about the new regulations on guns.
I think these sources will help me to write more on my essay. I think that they are good sources and shows what law enforcement thinks about these new laws. I will also be able to understand why these laws were placed to start with and what the reasoning was behind it. From these citations I learned how these laws would be enforced or if they would be enforced at all.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


One of the sources that I have chosen for the topic on gun laws was on YouTube. It was about this guy that was concerned about what the government would try to do with guns, so he tried to show a point that people can still get guns and the government can’t do anything about it. What he did was use a 3d printer to make gun parts; it was a lower receiver that the government is trying to outlaw. To make this part, it is like a regular printer, but with a 3d printer you have a special program that allows you to make three dimensional copies of anything you are trying to make. Once you have your three dimensional gun part on the computer, all you have to do is print it off like on a regular printer. This guy got his part patented and said that if the government tries to take away guns, he will put the gun file online so anybody can access them. They just have to get somebody to print the part off for them and it will be completely legal. The website for this video was at
The second source that I have chosen was on, it talks about hunters in the USA that are boycotting Colorado because they are trying to get rid of guns and making it hard to even buy the guns. Now hunters are canceling trips that they had set up to go hunting in Colorado and are going to go hunt elsewhere. There is about 15% of out of state hunters in Colorado, but if people think that hunting in another state is better than Colorado, they will travel the extra distance to have a better hunting experience. I got this information at
I like both of these sources because they show one side of the topic on gun laws and why some people think they should have the right to buy any gun and as much ammunition as they want. These sources also show how people will react if more cities choose to have strict gun laws. The next sources that I chose to have will be on the opposite side of this topic to show why some people believe why we should not have certain guns and not be able to buy gun clips that hold over 15 bullets. I think by understanding both sides of this topic, we will have good points about both sides of the topic.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Analyzing Picture

  This picture I chose was on the topic of gun laws in Colorado. I believe this photographer’s intent on this picture was to have people think that there are two sides of the topic on guns. There are the people who want guns in America and those who want to get rid of them. In the essay with this picture they were talking about how the shootings in Colorado and the guns they used which was an assault rifle. One of the reasons that the photographer could have used the picture of the bullets was because they are regulating how big of clips a gun can have now. So now you can’t go and buy a clip with 30 bullets in Colorado any more. To me what I thought the photographer was trying to say with his picture was the flag represents freedom that our country fought for and some of those things are guns and ammunition. To try and say that we can’t buy something anymore because the government says so is exactly like being a communist country because they get told what they can and can’t do. So what is the difference with our government now? They are telling us what we can and can’t do. So to me if I saw this picture I would think that it would convince people that guns are a good thing and we should have the right to buy any gun or as much ammunition as we want. I had different thoughts about what this picture would convey if somebody saw it. I don’t see where there is anything about this picture that makes guns look bad. I don’t get why they would use this picture to say why we should regulate guns. I would have thought that they would have use a picture that made guns look horrible. But I can see if they used the picture to show and tell why everybody has their own opinion on this topic.