Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Research Question

The first research question that I would have about Colorado gun laws would be will restricting access to guns going to lower crime rate? My gut feeling about this question right now would be no. I don’t think that making guns harder to get will solve anything. I feel like if someone really wants a gun they will get it no matter what. If they wanted to they would just go steal a gun then go and use it however they wanted to. So I don’t think the crime rate will lower I think it could even increase the crime rate. If a criminal has an illegal gun then if Colorado restricts access to guns the criminal will have bigger and better guns than just about everybody so what’s stopping them from stealing and killing anybody they want to. If the criminals believe a lot of people have guns in an area, and they are willing to defend themselves, they probably won’t commit a crime there. They will go somewhere where people don’t have as many guns.
 As far as what other people will think of this question I’m sure there will be people that will think restricting access to guns will lower crime rates and there will be some people that will think the opposite of that. There will always be two sides to a question like this because everybody has their own opinion. I could imagine a parent that has had a child shot and killed would believe we should restrict the access of guns. I could see if people love to hunt they wouldn’t want as many restrictions on guns.
 Some of the things that I would like to find out about this topic would be if there would be any loop holes in the law that would still make it still as accessible to get guns. I would also like to find out why some people think restricting guns would lower crime rates. I feel like by understanding both sides of the question it would help me become more credible because I would understand the two different sides of this question and why the people felt the way they did.

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