Sunday, April 7, 2013

Analyzing Picture

  This picture I chose was on the topic of gun laws in Colorado. I believe this photographer’s intent on this picture was to have people think that there are two sides of the topic on guns. There are the people who want guns in America and those who want to get rid of them. In the essay with this picture they were talking about how the shootings in Colorado and the guns they used which was an assault rifle. One of the reasons that the photographer could have used the picture of the bullets was because they are regulating how big of clips a gun can have now. So now you can’t go and buy a clip with 30 bullets in Colorado any more. To me what I thought the photographer was trying to say with his picture was the flag represents freedom that our country fought for and some of those things are guns and ammunition. To try and say that we can’t buy something anymore because the government says so is exactly like being a communist country because they get told what they can and can’t do. So what is the difference with our government now? They are telling us what we can and can’t do. So to me if I saw this picture I would think that it would convince people that guns are a good thing and we should have the right to buy any gun or as much ammunition as we want. I had different thoughts about what this picture would convey if somebody saw it. I don’t see where there is anything about this picture that makes guns look bad. I don’t get why they would use this picture to say why we should regulate guns. I would have thought that they would have use a picture that made guns look horrible. But I can see if they used the picture to show and tell why everybody has their own opinion on this topic.


  1. I would be surprised if this picture was used in an article that argues for more regulation of guns. When I read that you felt the photographer was showing two sides to this issue, I thought to myself that I only see one side! Guns, and the right to own them, are as American as the American flag. That's the first argument I saw in this photo. But reading your post it helped me see other arguments. Perhaps the photographer is just reflecting how important and large the gun control debate is in this country right now that it's tending to dominate a lot of politics discussions. Are those hollow point bullets? Perhaps the photographer wanted to show the danger involved with guns. There are definitely a lot of ways to see this image, just like there are a lot of views to take on the debate. Great photo to use!

  2. Hi Nick, I believe we all have our opinions about the subject. I will give you mine, but I know in the end you will need facts.I believe the goverment is taking away more and more of our rights, just to please the public. Good people are having to pay the price for those that aren't. We have the right to protect our families and homes. In the wild west everyone owned a gun, some did right by them and some did not. Laws don't change who we are, or choices we make. Yes, they are guidlines to help keep them. In the end people are going to do what they want, law or no law. You could buy guns off the street. What are the statistics? who benefits from the change? who wants the change and why? How does the change affect good citizens? Strict laws might make more people buy them off the streets.
